Current Date: Illuustio 12, NL 223

A final confrontation under Cathoras Castle sees Kethic Tamrin laid low, and the ritual to transform a swath of Racinica thwarted. Yet even as the ritual is disturbed, a number of demonic soldiers still roam the streets.

The Expedition stands in front one of the Ritual Stones they have been seeking in their journey. Tyr awaits at the docks with a ship ready to see them to safety. Danger doesn’t sleep.

Event Timeline

After delving deep into the lost city, new avenues and challenges present themselves to the party

NL 223-4-37

The Expedition sets out in earnest from War Camp and Blackport in search of Pinity and more answers

NL 223-4-33

The Expedition runs off course and into a band of Orcs pursuing a long lost prize

NL 223-4-30

Blackport is assaulted by Fiends at the command of an ancient Archdemon

NL 223-3-23

Sun Nov 10 2024 21:50:07 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)