
Similar to Fiends, Demons encompass a collective category of threats that prey upon the beings of Klei. Unlike Fiends however, Demons are a genus reserved for an otherworldly or divine origin. Similar to Spirits, demons are given their own categories and genealogy, though the specifics and rankings of Demons often fluctuate depending on the influence they can draw onto the world at a time.


Hell scared creations or corruptions on mortal creatures created by a demon to do their bidding and aid their cause. Spawn are afforded a level of power and prowess above most mortal creatures on the lands of Klei. That enhanced ability comes at the price of both their sanity and loyalty.

Demonic Spawn are often little more than creatures of minimal intelligence created to do the front work for a Lesser Demon.

Lesser Demon

A servant, a commander, an elevated spawn. Lesser Demons are also creations of higher tiered demons, but with a competence and intelligence to match the need to carry out a complex mission or task.


The catchall term and middle rank of the noted hierarchy. This term and tier covers a wide variety of beings that mean to expand influence on the world. Beings of this level plot plans to engender themselves to creatures of higher status or gain enough power to ascend of an all together higher order.

This tier encompasses the majority of mortal interactions with demonic beings.`

Grand Demon

The ascended form of demons who have accumulated a necessary threshold of power, influence, or territory in a different sequestered plane. There is a phenomenon as demons gain power where their ambitions and goals move from expanding their own influence to growing the influence of their home domain.

The means of doing so is still unknown.

Arch Demon


