
Magic is a gift in Klei. Those who are blessed with an aptitude for sorcery follow only one of a few paths: they are scouted and sent to the The Symposium in Trord, study magic and its applications in Lantrik as scholars, abandon the practice to live simpler lives, or sequester away to practice smaller hidden crafts as hedge mages.

Incidents have arisen in the past lending to lowered sentiment and fear of those who practice sorcery. Magic brings about a great power, bending the forces of the world with sorcery and other emotional magics. Human society and those who take part in it are “heavily encouraged” to work with or at Anthioc, where they are also loosely monitored.

Monitors are dispatched from Anthioc to keep track of known magic practitioners but also to search for any trouble that might appear in the future. While monitors are dispatched to keep the public safe outside of Trord, the time and technology of Klei does not allow for a flawless tracking.

Regulation and Control

History has long proven that wizards, without oversight and control, lead to tragedy. In support of order across the realm, Anthioc was made a central institution to control magic practices on Klei in FL 649. When children were found with an aptitude for magic, they were sent to Anthioc to control their power and learn the ethics and application of its practice. This series of teachings and checks have also extended to Roden who display magic aptitude in the fields. With time though, the traditions of Anthioc have waned.

The practice and enforcement over magic is still controlled by the greater actors in Trord, but the study of the arcane has broadened to other nations all well, like the Theocracy of Lantrik.

Not excluded from this tradition are the feats of magical stock. The songs of Elves, the mythical craft of the Dwarves, the void call of the Orcs, or the spirit songs of the Great Wolves are of constant interest to The Symposium. Many races on Klei posses strong magical abilities that have been fostered in tight communities or practiced outside of the eyes of Trord and other cities on Klei. Those who move into the networked cities of Trord are under the scrutiny of The Tower, but many and more use their craft without venturing from their homelands.


Similar to sorcery, there are those who are granted a divine revelation that manifests itself as a holy connection. Certain individuals posses the ability to bring about miracles of varying scales with strict adherence to the many gods of Klei. Those pious few are usually heavily affiliated with some chapter of a religious sect, and resources are diverted to make sure they are kept safe, nurtured, and closely watched throughout the realms.

Magic of Mythical Stock

Humans and Roden practice sorcery and faith with a more strict adherence to the laws set in place to protect Klei. Other stock also posses an innate magic that is more difficult to manage. Anthioc’s influence extends to most humans that reside in the many realms, but the magic of other stock are harder to manage and control. Dwarves, Elves, and Orcs walk through and live in human cities often with less strict control from The Symposium. The innate magic qualities of other races are both interesting curiosities and dangerous unknowns.