Paolo PiranhaStock:Human
Home: The Free Ports of Trord
Age: 23
- Disturbingly Confident
- Predatory
- Problem with Authority
- Catalyst
- Sea Legs
- Aura of Determination
- I will destabilize my rivals in the city to gain control of other crews.

- I will protect Blackport and use any attack as an opportunity to show my strength and build up status of my crew.

- I will build the most powerful mercenary guild in the region.
-Always prepared for confrontation with weapons at the ready in any scenario.

- When faced with difficult tasks, always keep a level head.

- Never accept the words or beliefs of others without question.


A reformed pirate turned mercenary captain. Paolo is attempting to great the largest mercenary band in Racinica.


  • Adelaide Grimwood: A pirate that Paolo was friends with before turning away from the seas
  • Baldrick Stone: A competing mercenary captain to Paolo’s outfit