Humans have settled across the far reaches of Klei, forming many different cultures centers, cities, and kingdoms. The differences between cultures and individuals is as vast as the continents themselves. Ingenuity and adaptability have allowed humanity to flourish and carve out the landscapes and establish larger inter-continental travel than had note previously been known to the longer lived species of the realm.
The interconnectivity of humans has made exchanges between the different stock more common than ever, and while many of the larger kingdoms are predominately human, the sight of Elves, Dwarves, Roden, and even Orcs is not uncommon. Different racial traditions have enriched the human societies leading to a mutual benefit and advancement of human society, though nothing comes without tension.
Human culture is diverse, a single person’s mannerism and beliefs can be largely dependent on their place of birth and rest.
Places of Influence
Faith and Sorcery
The magic of humans.